Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 - The Plan is
Chapter 3 - System of
Chapter 4 -
Freemasonry's Occult, Evil Empire Exposed
Chapter 5 - The Great
Work - Whose Re-Incarnation ?
Chapter 6 - The Trojan
Horse - The Enemy Enters Within
Chapter 7 - Under
Another Name
Chapter 8 - New Age Army
Expose, Psychic Warrior Subversion Exposed
Chapter 9 - Psychic
Subversion, Freemasonry's New Age Telepathic Work
Chapter 10 - New Age Expose, New Age
Spirit Guide Incarnation Exposed
Chapter 11 - The Clinton Mystery,
Jean Houston's Demon Guides
Chapter 13 - FBI & CIA
Masonic-Mormon Spiritualism Expose, Mormonism Exposed
Treason - Chapter supplement:
Middle-East Subversion, America's Subversion, Treason and World
War Three